Estimated Delivery Date


  • Provides you the estimated delivery product/cart/checkout page
  • The delivery date will be shown based on the customer’s timezone
  • The due date may be estimated by adding n days in admin
  • Ability to enable or disable the module
  • Separate option to add holiday dates
  • Include/exclude holiday dates based on your business working days
  • Google geo-code API key for locating the geographical location based on the zip code
CE 2.2.x-2.3.x, EE 2.2.x-2.3.x

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This extension is the simplest solution for providing an estimated shipping date and the estimated product arrival time. Before making an online purchase, a customer would want to know the tentative date of the order arrival which is a crucial purchase decision factor. The extension will help retailers to add the estimated shipping arrival time so that customers can make more informed purchases.


What You Get From Magento 2 Delivery Extension

As a store owner, you would not want to lose a customer only because you do not have this information shown on your website. Estimated Delivery Date extension will help you generate the estimated delivery date based on the zip code provided by your customer. This will be the perfect solution to calculate the estimated delivery only if FedEx is your website shipping partner.

Using Flexible Delivery Date Option

The extension enables you to customize the pickup date based your location’s workflow. This gives the flexibility to choose the dates and avoid overlapping.

Exclude Weekends & Holidays

It is also possible to sync your holiday calendar so as to provide spot-on delivery dates. The extension will allow the admin to set the delivery date based on their business days. This will help retailers to offer better data accuracy.

How Customers Can Choose Their Shipping Options?

Once the customer enters their zip code, the estimated shipping tax will be displayed on the product page, cart page as well the checkout page. Customers can choose from the below shipping options:

  • Home Delivery
  • Express Saver
  • 2 Days
  • Standard Overnight

Each option will display the additional cost and a one-line description of its function. Customers can choose from these options and proceed with their checkout.


Why Choose Magento 2 Delivery Extension?

Ecommerce delivery date has become a strategic importance in defining customer’s shopping experience. According to eCommerce Survey, 96% of shoppers confirmed that a positive delivery experience would encourage them to shop with a retailer again. Moreover, 77% of consumers would like to see a guaranteed weekend or after hours shipping. This clearly shows the impact of shipping services on customer’s buying decision and why it can be an important eCommerce strategy to win more sales.

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